The Spring Cleaning Mystery!

Spring has finally arrived! And with it the nice weather.
Time to look around your home and survey the damage winter has done! The other day someone asked me: why is winter so hard on our homes that we always need a big extra clean in the spring?

Why is Winter So Hard on Our Homes?

There are actually several reasons. With doors and windows closed all winter long, moisture gets trapped inside and walls tend to get grubby because of steam, cooking, burning candles or wood, or smoking. Most people also usually do a lot more cooking during the colder months so our windows, walls, cupboards and light fixtures can get greasy and grimy.
In the warmer months, not only do we let the fresh are in, but we tend to spend more time out enjoying it! This means less time inside to dirty up the place! As a result, our interior can need more care – walls, trim, doors, handrails, fridges, ovens and closets could often stand for a good cleaning.
Speaking of closets, another thing that happens in winter is that for many people, ‘stuff’ builds up, adding to the clutter in our homes and making it harder to clean around it. Whether it’s our ancestral instinct kicking in, or just that we don’t have the freedom in winter to drag boxes outside and toss things out, I’ve noticed that come spring, people tend to find they have more ‘stuff’ than they had before. Purging that stuff, and giving the house a good cleaning can make you feel so much more comfortable in your home!

To Clean It Yourself or Not to Clean?

Some people dedicate a whole day or weekend deep cleaning the house while some prefer to spread out the tasks over several weeks. Then there are those people who hire the professionals to do the dirty work. (If the attitude around your home is like the person in the joke above, call us!)
Whatever you decide to do for this year now is the time to freshen up your house, clean up all of winter’s dust and dirt, and say hello to your freshened-up home.
At the House Whisperer, we have learned over the years which products work best and which are a waste of money. Feel free to give us a call. We will gladly share with you what products we recommend – or take the job over and like magic have it done when you come home.

Happy Spring (cleaning)!